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Kickstart Your Career in 健康 and 健康care with a 健康 Science Bachelor’s Degree from BSU

Are you considering a career in healthcare or a medically related field? 那么我们的健康科学课程可能很适合你.

住在 健康与运动学系, ladbrokes立博中文版’s health science bachelor’s degree program combines courses in health science, psychology and science to prepare you for a versatile career in a large, 跨学科医疗保健领域.

This BS in health science program prepares you for graduate or professional school with your choice of one of three concentrations:

  • Pre-Athletic培训
  • 职前治疗
  • Pre-Physical疗法

Our bachelor of health science program provides you with a solid foundation in the discipline with courses in science, 健康和医学术语. 然后, you may continue your education in graduate school to pursue your dream job as an athletic trainer, 职业治疗师, 物理治疗师及其他.


photo of Athletic Training class with 1 student sitting on a medical table, another student holding and looking at the first student's foot and a professor showing the students something on the foot


If you’ve been searching for a health science bachelor’s degree online, look no further. 在BSU, you have the flexibility to choose from three concentrations so you may align your studies with your career goals and prepare for graduate studies. 这些集中训练包括运动前训练, 前职业治疗和前物理治疗.


同时攻读健康科学学士学位, complete an internship for course credit to get a feel for the day-to-day work in allied health care while satisfying observation requirements for grad school applications. You can’t always get these types of experiences with a health science bachelor's degree online.
Dr. 汤姆·吴在运动机能学课上与学生们一起工作


Our health science faculty members have extensive experience as healthcare providers. Their specialty areas range from athletic training to physical therapy, 所以你知道你会向这个领域的专家学习. BSU faculty members also understand the challenges you’ll face inside and outside of the classroom while working toward your health science bachelor’s degree, 他们是来帮忙的.


规划未来? 考虑选择哪个健康科学学士学位? BSU’s 职业服务 on campus can help you connect with potential employers, navigate the process of developing and initiating your career plans as an athletic trainer, 职业治疗师, 物理治疗师等等.


As a health science major at BSU, you will learn in classrooms with 30 students or fewer. This will give you and your peers easy access to extra assistance from your instructors. You’ll also be able to get to know and work with your classmates for projects, assignments and other activities — experiences you wouldn’t get with health science bachelor’s degree online.


位于马萨诸塞州东南部的中心, 波士顿州立大学位于波士顿以南约30英里处, 普罗维登斯以东,科德角以西. 我们附近有很多容易去的地方, 不上课的时候去工作或实习.


不像很多健康科学学士学位, 桥水大学的健康科学学士学位是跨学科的. 整个学位课程, you will explore coursework in several areas to round out your education and prepare for different career pathways in health and wellness, 不管你选择什么浓度.

In addition to your undergraduate health science core courses — such as Medical Terminology and Nutritional Concepts for 健康 Care Practitioners — you will also take related classes in biology, 化学, 物理, 心理学和其他. Some health science undergraduate program courses you may take include:

  • 残疾人士的身体和运动发展 参加职前治疗课程, 你在哪里学习医学知识, 残疾人的心理和教育问题.
  • 心理社会干预和病人护理 为物理治疗前集中, 这将帮助你学习如何识别行为问题, apply strategies for interventions and refer patients to additional resources for help.


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The faculty in the 健康与运动学 Department have always been very welcoming, willing to help and I’ve had nothing but great professors and advisors who have always supported me.”


毕业后是否打算继续学习, opportunities abound for careers with a health science bachelor’s degree. Graduates of BSU’s program have gone on to work for pharmaceutical companies, 联邦政府机构, 医学实验室和医院. Here’s a list of a few potential careers you may be interested in pursuing after graduating from Bridgewater. Some of these jobs may require additional certifications, education or training:

  • 研究助理
  • 首先回应的
  • 科学家和研究员
  • 营养学家
  • 实验室管理人员
  • 职业健康和安全专业

BSU graduates with health science bachelor’s degrees also continue their education in graduate school to become 职业治疗师s, 物理治疗师, 体能训练师, 公共卫生护士, 医生等.

拥有健康科学学士学位,无论你从事什么职业, BSU’s undergraduate coursework and program instructors will help you build the knowledge and skills you need to meet grad school requirements or real-world job demands.

Employment in healthcare occupations is projected to grow 16% through 2030 — much faster than average for all occupations — according to the U.S. 劳工统计局.

2 graduate students in class sitting at a padded table with laptops open and crutches on the wall in background


如果你想在毕业后继续获得硕士学位, BSU提供运动训练理学硕士学位. 毕竟, our bachelor of health science program was created in part to prepare undergraduate students to enter this program and field.

While this program is in person and not an online athletic training degree, 它可以提供各种在线课程可能没有的好处. 这些好处包括面对面的协作, hands-on learning opportunities to practice injury intervention and more in the classroom and lab.

不像在线运动训练学位课程, your graduate studies at BSU will include in-person lectures paired with five levels of clinicals. 通过在医疗机构的实习, you will gradually learn a variety of clinical competencies under the direction of a certified athletic trainer.